Thursday, November 30, 2006

the great disaster

For those of you who do not know me i am a christian, i go to crosspointe baptist church, and i lead worship for the senior high students. Last night will, at least in my mind, be known as the Great Disaster. Everything seemed to be just fine until all of a sudden while we were rehearsing our sound board blew up which created a number of problems like we had no sound and we had to find a sound board quick (it blew at about 5:45 and the service starts at 7:00)!!! To make a very long story short we finally found a sound board, but then the nightmare began. At the very beginning of our first song the sound completely left again so i had to restart the entire song and because of all of that all of a sudden the lyrics to the first song left me during the entire first verse so there were a lot of la's and mmm's, it was absolutely ridiculous. Everyone in the end told us it was not that bad and my band got a lot of laughs out of it so it is ok. Sometimes we all need God to humble us a bit!!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Hello blogging world!
It seems to me that everyone i know with the exception of about two or three people have began writing a blog and since i feel left out, here i am. Since this is my first blogging experience i am not entirely sure what i am doing, but i tend to be a fast learner so with the exception of this first entry, this should be interesting, so just keep reading.