Friday, July 20, 2007


Well after being told to study the subject above in Scripture I have started to do just that. I ask you a question; "Is drinking alcohol wrong?". I will attempt to begin answering.

First, you must know that I am not anywhere near done studying the subject and have yet to come to a definite conclusion.

The answer to the question "Is drinking alcohol wrong?" is both yes and no.
"Strong drink" is forbidden in Scripture except when given to a person who is dying to ease their suffering. However, wine is not forbidden. Now what is strong drink, so far I would conclude that anything with alcohol added in addition to the natural fermentation process would be considered "strong drink".

So drinking most wine and or beer is ok in moderation but most everything else is not.

Tell me what you think.

I love you guys.

Oh and by the way, since most of what I have been taught has turned out to be wrong this is just another thing to add to the list.

And no I am not going to start drinking.

And this will be funny to read for some of you who I have had previous converstions with pertaining to the subject.


Josh said...

Woo hoo! Break out the Budweiser! Abandon reality and trust a substance rather than a Creator!

I've heard this line is in Budweiser's new commercials....

Josh said...

..and seriously, due to the addictive nature of alcoholic substances, use "in moderation" is difficult in most cases.

jeff hill said...

I would not say it is difficult in "most" cases but only in some. In most of the cases that I have seen it is easily used in moderation except for when I have seen teens use it.

Andrew said...

I disagree with you Jeff I can give you the name of three people I know personally that don't use it in moderation and they are all three adults. One is 23, one is 40, and the other is almost 50. I know even more than this some personally and some not but many of them are adults. I am not sure what to think about the whole alcohol thing but I have my opinions. And I have seen what, in many causes, it does to people who "think" that they can control it.

jeff hill said...

3 out of how many people you know?

It is probably not a very high percentage.

jeff hill said...

If it is a struggle for you than do not drink.

Just like if it is a struggle for you not to look at porn on the internet then do not have the internet in your home.

It is just a no brainer. Alcohol is not the problem. Foolish people are.

Anonymous said...

most alcoholics are people who start drinking before the legal drinking age...

Cameron said...

when i think about things i never thought i would here come out of jeff hills mouth...i pretty much think about this post.

Cameron said...

I do concur however. It just caught me off guard is all I'm saying. I miss you too man. It will be good to get to hang out again in a couple of weeks. peace out