Monday, April 30, 2007


Well life is just crazy sometimes. A lot of people seem to be dying or be on the verge of dying and it hasn't really soaked in yet. Carmen had her great grandma die on Monday. My whole family minus me left abruptly for St. Louis to see my grandma because it could be the last time my dad gets to see his mom. We just found out that my grandpa (my moms dad) has alzheimer's and right now, it doesn't look good.

On a much, much happier note, I got to see my favorite preacher in the world speak this past Thursday and it was incredible. Paul Washer is by far the most Godly preacher I have ever met. Most preachers do their thing and then leave because they are tired or need to spend time with their family( not that their is anything wrong with spending time with your family. In fact biblically, your family takes priority over everything but God Himself) but this man was very selfless. After he spoke he took a group of us into a small room and hung out with us for two and a half hours. It was awesome. He told us if he needed to he would stay there all night.

Also on a brighter note, the interim pastor at my church has resigned. (PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!) I hope that we have someone who will really preach the Word of God come to take his place.

That is all for now.


Josh said...

your praises made me laugh.

There's a verse in the Bible that says something like this: "God, let me know the end of my days, how frail I am."

Life is much more fragile than we take it for.

jeff hill said...

My praises also made me chuckle a bit. I can't believe i actually said chuckle. Thanks for the verse. I will look it up later.

Chris Mc said...

Man, I love Paul Washer too. His passion in preaching the Word is unparalleled.

Another thought however, regardless of what you think about the announcement, you must understand that not everyone is in agreement. It is a tough time for him, and our church. He is a good man who has helped our church in many areas, some of which you may not be aware of. And though his time with us is over, we must still appreciate what God has shown us during his tenure.

It is important that since you post your thoughts publicly, that you build unity rather than saying things that could cause disunity. Lead by example.

jeff hill said...

I am sure that he has helped in many ways that i may not know and i probably have not made myself completely clear. I am only talking about the preaching not about his lifestyle.

I realize that men make mistakes but to say a number of things from the pulpit every week that are unbiblical is not simply being fallible it is being careless.

I also must say that it is ok to cause division over the truth. And again that is my issue. The truth in and of itself divides.

However, Chris, i appreciate your comments and even though i am not sure exactly who you are i want you to know that i love you.

Chris Mc said...

I can think of a couple of things that I would disagree Biblically with, but I'm not sure to what you are referring, when you speak about weekly unBiblical teachings.

There are essential truths that can not be compromised, Deity of Christ, Salvation through Christ alone by faith alone, Virgin Birth, etc., and must be defended and upheld regardless of opposition.

However, I don't recall any essential issues being compromised. And, I'm not even sure if you are saying that they have been.

I was just wondering, were you able to go to him and address the disagreements with his teachings?

I want to encourage you to keep seeking the Truth, continue being a "Berean", and test what is taught, in light of the rest of the Word.

I am your parents' lawn guy and a member here at the church.
